How to memorize the guitar fretboard notes in days

memorize the guitar fretboard PDF

Fretboard Mastery: your FREE PDF guide to learn the guitar fretboard

Learning the notes on the guitar fretboard is one of those things that you know you should do but it’s often not very high on the list of priorities. The reason is that the guitar is an instrument that you can enjoy without having a clue as to the actual notes that are being played under your fingertips!

But this is something you need to do if you wish to truly develop on the instrument and as a musician generally. 

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Sample pages from Fretboard Mastery

Learning the guitar fretboard can be a little overwhelming so I have developed this progressive method that will take you from knowing absolutely nothing about the notes on a guitar to having everything under your fingertips within a matter of days.

This approach is focused on learning some basic music theory and immediately applying that to the guitar fretboard.

This will inform essential patterns and fretboard reference points that will accelerate the learning process.

Once you have the notes memorized, it’s the perfect foundation to allow you to learn guitar faster.

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Sample pages from Fretboard Mastery

Exercises to learn notes on the guitar

The book culminates in what I believe are the best exercises to add to your practice routine to have the notes memorized over a few practice sessions. These are exercises I used myself and teach all my students, with amazing results.

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